Уроки русского языка как иностранного и методические лекции

Квесты в этой категории:

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was the greatest writer, classic of Russian literature, and philosopher.

He is the author of such immortal works as "The Idiot", "Crime and Punishment", "Humiliated and Insulted", "The Brothers Karamazov" and many others. Fyodor Dostoevsky received recognition during his lifetime, but his works received the greatest success after his death. Even Friedrich Nietzsche admitted that Dostoevsky was the only author-psychologist who became partly his teacher.


Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934) was a Soviet psychologist, teacher and pedologist. He is known as the author of cultural and historical theory in psychology, the founder of social constructivism and modern correctional pedagogy.


Lev Ivanovich Yashin (1929 — 1990) was a Soviet football player and goalkeeper. Olympic champion in 1956 and European champion in 1960, five-time champion of the USSR, three-time winner of the USSR Cup.

The only goalkeeper in history to receive the Golden Ball. Throughout his life, he remained a follower of his only club "Dynamo" (Moscow). Yashin was recognized as the best goalkeeper of the 20th century by FIFA, IFFIIS, and many newspapers and magazines. In 2003, the Russian Football Union named Yashin the best player in the country over the past 50 years.


Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova (1937) is the first and youngest woman in space who made a solo flight on the Vostok-6 spacecraft on June 16, 1963.

She has flown around the Earth 48 times, spent almost three days in space and remains the only woman to have been on a solo space flight.


Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (1934 — 1968) was a Soviet cosmonaut, the first person to fly into space. Hero of the Soviet Union.

On the 12th of April, 1961 Gagarin flew into space for the first time in the world on the "Vostok" spacecraft. He flew around the globe in 1 hour 48 minutes and returned safely to Earth.

Nowadays day of Gagarin's space flight is a national holiday in Russia.


Russian Russian philosopher Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev (1874-1948) was a Russian religious and political philosopher, sociologist, representative of Russian existentialism and personalism.

In 1922, Berdyaev founded and headed the Religious and Philosophical Academy in Berlin. In 1924, he moved to Paris, where he lived until his death.

He was nominated seven times for the Nobel Prize in Literature (1942-1948).


Anton Semyonovich Makarenko (1888-1939) was a Soviet pedagogue and writer. He created an original and significant direction in education — "Pedagogy of Relationships", which was aimed at overcoming alienation of people from each other, the individual from society, work and culture.

He carried out an unprecedented experience in pedagogical practice of mass re-education of delinquent children, created an effective socio-pedagogical system for working with young criminals and street children.


Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl (1801 — 1872) was a Russian writer, ethnographer, linguist, lexicographer, and doctor. He became famous as the author of the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language".


Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711-1765) was a great Russian scientist, chemist, physicist, artist, historian, poet and writer. Lomonosov became famous in such fields of knowledge as astronomy, geology, instrumentation, geography and many others.

In 1754, he developed a project for Moscow University, which was later named Lomonosov University in his honor.


The section "The Great Figures of Russia" is dedicated to the people who glorified Russia all over the world. You will get acquainted with tfamous scientists, writers, athletes and even cosmonauts. Our young teachers have prepared videos in English. Also, scripts in Russian are available under each video.

Let's start with the biography of Dmitry Mendeev, whose discoveries in chemistry changed the world.


Русские пословицы и поговорки хранят мудрость народа России. Они бывают полезны в любых ситуациях. 

Павел Бажов, Дмитрий Мамин-Сибиряк, Алексей Иванов... А кого из писателей-уральцев знаете вы?

В Екатеринбурге располагается множество театров, музеев, центров культуры, исторических достопримечательностей. Здесь воплощаются в жизнь уникальные проекты, проходят выставки, форумы, фестивали, концерты.


В России каждый имеет право на свободу духовной жизни и вероисповедания. Даже в таком большом городе, как Екатеринбург, между представителями различных культур развито взаимопонимание и уважительное отношение к традициям друг друга.


Уральский регион недаром носит славу опорного края. Давайте узнаем, как Урал вносит свой вклад в развитие России.


Россия - одна из ведущих промышленных держав. Почему? Узнаете во время этого урока. 

В российском городе никогда не бывает скучно. Давайте посмотрим, чем тут можно заняться.

Едем на экскурсию в современный российский мегаполис. Знакомимся с базовой лексикой, необходимой для жизни в городе. 


Познакомьтесь с Уралом и его столицей в этом уроке.

В русской деревне совсем не скучно! Рыбалка, прогулки на свежем воздухе и множество других занятий прямо в этом уроке. 


Начинаем знакомство с русским языком и культурой. Отправляемся в гости в тихую уральскую деревушку. Знакомимся с местным укладом жизни и особенностями языка. 


Повторяем изученный материал.

«Мой», «твой», «наш», «ваш» и множество других местоимений в этом уроке. Также узнаем, какие слова служат для обозначения национальностей.


Рассматриваем имя существительное как часть речи. Изучаем слова, обозначающие профессии.

Знакомство с категорией рода.

1... 2... 3... Изучаем количественные числительные.

Повторяем изученный материал.

Система падежей русского языка - одна из самых сложных тем. Падежи учить трудно, но интересно. 

Отрабатываем навыки произношения русских звуков и чтения. 

Продолжаем изучать русский алфавит. Знакомимся с принципами постановки ударения, делением на слоги и интонационными конструкциями. 


Познакомимся с системой букв и звуков русского языка.